Edit console web page ( https:// ars...../admin ) to Add and remove to Add a link

Hi Guys,

 How can I edit the web console web page to add and remove a link or url to others applications or services ?

I was looking in Public folder ...

Many Thx

  • Where do you want the link to be? You can customize the links under the Help menu item or you can post a button to the centre home pane.

    If you would like to add a nice big button to the home pane, just follow these instructions and use any URL that you like:

    Title: How to create a button on the Active Roles 7 Web Admin home page for creating a new contact object

    Solution: 205492

    URL: support.oneidentity.com/.../205492

  • Hi,

    Web interface allows customization to add link in the Home page

    Here are the steps to add the text and URL Link in the Homepage:

    1) Open Web Interface with Active Roles Admin Account.
    2) Click on Customization on the left.
    3) Click on Customization Tasks.
    4) Click on Customize Home Page on the right.
    5) Click on Add...
    6) here you can enter a Name and then the text to display.
    7) You also need to enter something in the URL to open field.
    8) Click Ok.
    9) Click Save.
    10) Do a reload and now the text should show up on the homepage.