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Not able to synchronize Azure AD - Error

I am trying to synchronize Azure AD using Azure connector. I got the below error when configuring connector. The error comes after it successfully load the schema from Azure.

Q1IM version: 7.1


Can someone help me on this?




[2186001] The template (Azure Active Directory Synchronization) could not be applied successfully!

at VI.UI.Wizards.GuiWizardPageHostControl.m_ButtonNext_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

at VI.UI.Wizards.Wizard.Next()

at VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard.OnPageFinished(IWizardPage page)

at VI.UI.Wizards.WizardData.Set[T](String key, T value)

at VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard.OnDataChanged(WizardDataEventArgs e)

at VI.UI.Wizards.WizardData.Get[T](String key, T defaultValue)

at VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard.<.ctor>b__24_1(String key)

at VI.Projector.Editor.Wizards.ShellWizard._CreateShell(Boolean doNotApplyTemplate)

at VI.Projector.Templates.ScriptTemplate`1.Apply(TTarget target, Predicate`1 phaseFilter)

[2186015] Error while preparing the target systems.

at VI.Projector.Templates.ScriptTemplate`1.Apply(TTarget target, Predicate`1 phaseFilter)

at VI.Projector.Templates.ShellScriptTemplate.OnApply(IProjectorShell shell, Predicate`1 filter)

[1777009] Error loading system objects of class Organization (all) (Organization_Master).

at VI.Projector.Templates.ShellScriptTemplate.OnApply(IProjectorShell shell, Predicate`1 filter)

at VI.Projector.Scripting.GeneratedShellTemplate.OnPreProcessing()

at VI.Projector.Connection.SystemConnection.QueryObjectInternal(ISchemaClass schemaClass, QueryByFilterOptions query, Boolean withScope)

Exception of type 'Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException' was thrown.

at Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceOrganizationCollectionRequest.<GetAsync>d__4.MoveNext()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

at Microsoft.Graph.BaseRequest.<SendAsync>d__27`1.MoveNext()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

at Microsoft.Graph.BaseRequest.<SendRequestAsync>d__29.MoveNext()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable`1.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult()

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)

--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

at Microsoft.Graph.HttpProvider.<SendAsync>d__19.MoveNext()


Crash report:

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/SPSWebAppHasClaimProvider from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/SPSWebAppHasClaimProvider from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/SPSWebAppHasPermission from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/SPSWebAppHasPermission from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/SPSWebApplication from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/SPSWebApplication from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/SPSWebTemplate from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/SPSWebTemplate from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/SPSZone from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/SPSZone from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBAccountDefAndAccount from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBAccountDefAndAccount from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBAccountDefHasBehavior from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBAccountDefHasBehavior from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBAERoleForGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBAERoleForGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBAERoleForRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBAERoleForRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBBaseTreeAndGroups from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBBaseTreeAndGroups from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBGroupToTSBAccountDef from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBGroupToTSBAccountDef from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBITData from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBITData from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBITDataMapping from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBITDataMapping from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVAccountIsPrivDetectRule from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVAccountIsPrivDetectRule from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVAccountTable from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVAccountTable from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVDirectAssignWrong from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVDirectAssignWrong from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVDomainAndContainer from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVDomainAndContainer from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVGroupMemberSource from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVGroupMemberSource from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVGroupTable from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVGroupTable from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVObjectsForPersonAutoMap from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVObjectsForPersonAutoMap from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVPersonAndGroups from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVPersonAndGroups from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVUNSDomain from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVUNSDomain from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVUNSGroupCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVUNSGroupCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/TSBVUNSRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/TSBVUNSRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccount from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccount from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountBHasUNSItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountBHasUNSItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountHasUNSItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountHasUNSItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSAccountInUNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSAccountInUNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSContainer from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSContainer from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSContainerB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSContainerB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupBCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupBCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupBExclusion from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupBExclusion from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupBHasUnsItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupBHasUnsItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupBInUNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupBInUNSGroupB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupCollection from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupExclusion from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupExclusion from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupHasUnsItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupHasUnsItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSGroupInUNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSGroupInUNSGroup from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSItem from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSItemB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSRoot from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/UNSRootB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/UNSRootB from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDesk from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDesk from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskHasApp from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskHasApp from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskHasESet from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskHasESet from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInBaseTree from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInBaseTree from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInDepartment from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInDepartment from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInITShopOrg from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInITShopOrg from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInLocality from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInLocality from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInOrg from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInOrg from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskInProfitCenter from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskInProfitCenter from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskState from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskState from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Table/WorkDeskType from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:38 StopWatch Getting Schema/WorkDeskType from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 StopWatch Getting Permissions/DPRTemplate from cache. done in 1ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 StopWatch Getting Table/DPRTemplate from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 StopWatch Getting Schema/DPRTemplate from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 ObjectLog DPRTemplate: Getting collection, load type: Default

2017-02-17 00:07:40 SqlLog (< 1 ms) - select ConnectedSystem, ConnectedSystemSubType, ConnectedSystemVersion, Description, DisplayName, IsGenerated, Revision, ScriptCode, ScriptLanguage, SupportedScriptLanguages, TemplateType, UID_DPRTemplate, XDateInserted, XDateUpdated, XObjectKey, XTouched, XUserInserted, XUserUpdated from DPRTemplate where ((ConnectedSystem = N'AzureAD') and (TemplateType = N'ShellTemplate'))

2017-02-17 00:07:40 ObjectLog Collection: Run statement and fetch data done in 3ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 ObjectLog Getting collection done in 4ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:40 Scripting Compiler run 1

2017-02-17 00:07:41 LateBindTypeMgr Parsing (te21l042, Version=1.0.6256.36230, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null)...

2017-02-17 00:07:41 StopWatch Getting MultiLanguage/DPR-ED87D587E086450280B7B6435B51E3C5,en-US from cache. done in 0ms.

2017-02-17 00:07:41 SystemConnection QueryObjects: Querying objects of Organization_Master.

2017-02-17 00:07:41 SystemConnection Options: NativeSystemFilter=False, ObjectDataFilter=False, ObjectFilter=False

Properties: DisplayName, Id


2017-02-17 00:07:43 StopWatch Querying objects of schema class (Organization_Master). done in 2.11s.

2017-02-17 00:07:43 VI.FormBase.ExceptionMgr The template (Azure Active Directory Synchronization) could not be applied successfully!

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