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QER_PasswordWeb_Session compilation settings


Running v8.0.1 I've copied and customized QER_PasswordWeb_Session and I'm struggling with an error "Value cannot be null" whenever I try to load a collection. I've even created a sample collection for the table ADSAccount but when I load it via the initializer with a simple query , I get this "value cannot be null" message. I've reviewed the code once and then,  but I seem to be unable to get a clean way out of it.  Then I've noticed the Configuration-> Compilation, General Settings and Authentication paragraphs for this module and I dont know if this error has something to do with them, in terms of permissions so to say. Can anyone explain further what these configuration settings mean?


  • Hi,

    Please provide a log file that shows the complete error information.

  • Hi Hanno,

    Thanks for replying. 


    2018-11-12 07:47:35.1997 INFO ( WebLog x3wbu5q0cjjbjdpg3nq4uukz) : Creating form CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session FMethod
    2018-11-12 07:47:40.2153 INFO ( WebLog ) : Disposing session 5l5y3nyhqqvgj1jwtm2tplio
    2018-11-12 07:47:40.2153 INFO ( WebLog ) : Session 5l5y3nyhqqvgj1jwtm2tplio ended. Now 0 active sessions.
    2018-11-12 07:47:41.5278 INFO ( WebLog 55wepi30hs4hr2ul0rttbv3h) : Creating form CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session CuentaCorreoOTP
    2018-11-12 07:47:41.5434 ERROR ( WebLog 55wepi30hs4hr2ul0rttbv3h) : System.AggregateException: Se han producido uno o varios errores. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo.
    en VI.WebRuntime.DbObjectLoadInfo..ctor(String tableName, String whereClause, String orderBy)
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.<<OnInit>b__0>d__1.MoveNext()
    --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.OnInit(EventArgs args)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.WebPage.PageInit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<OnInit>b__0()
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.TryRun(Action a)
    ---> (Nº de excepción interna 0) System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo.
    en VI.WebRuntime.DbObjectLoadInfo..ctor(String tableName, String whereClause, String orderBy)
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.<<OnInit>b__0>d__1.MoveNext()<---
    System.AggregateException: Se han producido uno o varios errores. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo.
    en VI.WebRuntime.DbObjectLoadInfo..ctor(String tableName, String whereClause, String orderBy)
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.<<OnInit>b__0>d__1.MoveNext()
    --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepción interna ---
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.OnInit(EventArgs args)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.WebPage.PageInit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<OnInit>b__0()
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.TryRun(Action a)
    ---> (Nº de excepción interna 0) System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo.
    en VI.WebRuntime.DbObjectLoadInfo..ctor(String tableName, String whereClause, String orderBy)
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.<<OnInit>b__0>d__1.MoveNext()<---
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait()
    en VI.WebRuntime.QER_PasswordWeb.CCC_EPRINSA_QER_PasswordWeb_Session_CuentaCorreoOTP.OnInit(EventArgs args)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.InitRecursive(Control namingContainer)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.WebPage.PageInit(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Control.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en System.Web.UI.Page.OnInit(EventArgs e)
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<OnInit>b__0()
    en VI.WebRuntime.Communication.PageBase.TryRun(Action a)

  • This error has probably nothing to do with authentication. Check the implementation of the CuentaCorreoOTP component.

    System.ArgumentNullException: El valor no puede ser nulo.
    en VI.WebRuntime.DbObjectLoadInfo..ctor(String tableName, String whereClause, String orderBy)

    The "tableName" argument is probably NULL. You are trying to load a collection without specifiying a table.

  • Hi Hanno, thanks.

    In Collections, I created the collection Persona as database object, object type Person.

    In the Initializer, I loaded the collection Persona  and if the database table is left unspecified I can read "(Using database table defined on the collection)" so I guessed that I didnt need to input there anything again.

    All in all, I've checked that and, yes, after filling up the table name it worked. Now I'm getting "VI.Base.ViException: You do not have permissions for this action. You must log in." which must be related to the authentication section I mentioned earlier. 

    Thanks again!