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We have been using this tool with no issues until we tried to authenticate to SQL using a Windows account vs SQL Server account. Is there a hidden or special syntax required to use windows authentication for the SQL (/Conn) connection to use windows accounts? We have tried user@domain and domain\User with no luck.

  • The title got wiped? odd... I am referring to the DBTransporterCMD.exe tool.

  • Joshua,

    The following command works for me:

    .\DBTransporterCmd.exe /File="<filepath>" /Conn="Data Source=<DB Server/Instance>;Initial Catalog=<DB Name>;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=False" /Auth="Module=DialogUser;User=<System User>;Passwor<Passwrod>" -L

    The Conn is just a standard SQL connection string using windows authN.

