Protection from Malware Deleting Backups


Our org is concerned about malware deleting backups, like Zenis is doing. We have a robust AV and firewall but do not want to just trust that. We are on NVBU 12.2 and use DR4300s for backup storage. I'm looking into a way to take the DR4300s offline after the backups.


Top Replies

  • Hi

    As the target is DR4300 RDA container the ransomware should not be able to reach that data as the communication through Netvault and RDA container is made with a different protocol. What it can happen is that the Netvault server get's it will not reach the DR data, what you can do in that case is to shutdown netvault server format OS and set same neame, install netvault server program and attach the DR to scan savesets and do a restore of the netvault database (make sure to have at least a weekly netvault database backup made with netvault) and you are up again to continue doing restores.

    Also if you are only using DR with RDA container make sure that there is no CIFS/NFS container that is not necessary.

  • Thank you Tomas. The answer is much appreciated.