• SharePlex! “Who’s on First?”

    We all remember Abbott and Costello’s skit “Who’s On First?”. If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend you pop over to YouTube and give it a watch. It has become one of the legendary classic comedies of all times, with Costello not knowing baseball…

  • What is the Toad for Oracle License Key, Site Message and Authorization Key?

    Sometimes authorizing a product can be confusing with the terms that are used.

    As with many Quest products, there is a two-step authorization process.

    A license key or Authorization key will need to be inputted; along with its Site Message string.


  • Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise: Just the Facts! Part 4: What is the Alarm Setting?

    As we continue our navigation of Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise and we can diagnose an alarm that triggers. Let us see what setting caused an alarm to trigger. The fact is when you start monitoring an Instance it is assigned the preset “Factory Settings…

  • Spotlight on SQL Sever: Just the Facts! Part 2: Acknowledging Alarms from Spotlight Today

    Just the facts! Part 2

    Acknowledging Alarms in Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise

    Now that we have establish a view of the facts let’s see what we can do with them. Some on these alarms are set by default to be acknowledged before they will clear for…

  • The 5 Ws of Your Oracle Transactions with No Database Performance Impact


    When a large customer appreciation company needed to categorize their Oracle auditing data by region, SharePlex came to their rescue.  They were already using SharePlex’s Change History feature to track the userid’s, timestamp, before and after data values…

  • A Wait-Free Introduction to Spotlight on SQL Server's Wait Events and Workload Analysis Views

    I once attended an excellent training on giving effective software demonstrations, and the main point was simple: Don’t make your audience wait - show them the good stuff FIRST!

    So here it is, in just three steps in Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise…

  • SharePlex peer-peer setup

    SharePlex peer-to-peer setup

    Peer-to-Peer replication (P2P) allows users on multiple databases to make changes concurrently to the same data, while SharePlex replication keeps all of the databases synchronized. Peer-to-Peer replication is not appropriate…

  • DevOps Adoption in Database Development: Make It a Reality [New Survey]

    DevOps has been pervasive within Application Development for several years, but the database environment is so different and sensitive in nature, making database development a barrier to an end-to-end DevOps strategy.

    The most important element of DevOps…

  • Want To Synchronize Very Large Tables?

    When very large tables are out of sync on the target and Compare is not a suitable sync option, it requires a set of coordinated steps to bring them in sync with the source tables. This is especially true if the downtime on the source table is not acceptable…

  • New Release! Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 11.7

    I'm very happy to report that a new release of Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise (version 11.7) is now available.  This is a relatively minor release, mostly including fixes, although there are two enhancements worth mentioning.  One that has been…

  • How Do You Stay On Top Of Disk Latency? Let Spotlight Enterprise Come To The Rescue.

    Whether it’s hitting sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats DMV with calculated queries, collecting Perfmon Disk Counter statistics, reviewing Resource Monitor Disk information, or keeping your storage admin close by, I/O issues are all too familiar a concern.…

  • Keeping Track of SQL Server Instances

    I had a question recently from a customer. They were asking how to keep track of inactive SQL Server instances in Foglight so that the data can be removed. A flip side of this would be to check what instances they have being monitored vs. what is supposed…

  • DevOps Adoption: The Fast Lane to Innovation and Better Service Delivery [New Report]

    “The most significant business benefit of DevOps is faster delivery of features.”

    If most of the people you asked about DevOps told you that, wouldn’t it be worth a try?

    Think of how much innovation DevOps adoption could introduce to…

  • Copy User Settings in Toad for Oracle

    I get this question at least once a month and it has to do with transferring Toad for Oracle user settings from one version to an updated version. When you install a new version of the Toad for Oracle 2016 Suite, the installer does a side-by-side installation…

  • Toad Turnpike: Real Stories from the Road

    Friends in High Places

    I’m starting a blog series about our Toad solution family, and how it’s changed lives for almost 20 years now.  Sometimes a vendor’s product does something extraordinary for its customers.  The stories you read…

  • Ridiculously Easy Alarm Configuration in Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise

    Configuring alarms in Spotlight on SQL Server Enteprise is quite easy. Configuring alarms across multiple connections, however, wasn’t always so easy. In versions prior to 11.5, you were required to select a connection and then apply your configuration…

  • Bridging the (SQL) gap with Toad’s Query Builder

    Toad for Oracle’s Query Builder window provides a quick method for creating the framework of a SQL queries (Select, Insert, Update, or Delete statement). Additionally, one can select Tables, Views, or Synonyms, join columns, select columns, and generate…

  • Wanted: Data scientist — Will pay top dollar for the right person!

    Data scientists are in high demand. Across a range of industries, organizations are searching for highly skilled data scientists (aka data analysts) who can make sense of the rapidly rising volume, variety and velocity of data available today. Those data…

  • Same Toad, Cooler Pond. Toad Makes the Leap from Quest


    New homes generally rock – and Toad’s new lily pad at Dell is no exception. We’re not saying Quest.com wasn’t great, but Toad is moving up in the world and has a new address at Quest.com.

    But as soon as Toad’s all moved in, there…

  • Measuring the impact of changes on DB performance

    As the old saying goes, “the one constant in life is change”, and this is especially true in database environments.  There are many reasons why database environments experience change whether it be through typical maintenance efforts such…

  • 5 Ways Database Developers can Keep Up with Agile by Automating

    We’ve posted recently about database developers feeling left out of agile processes. You may wonder how application developers can have it so easy – scrums, sprints and automation – to deploy updates at what can seem like an astonishing pace.…

  • What's New in Stat v.5.8.1

    You will see that our quest for a fully web-enabled client is full steam ahead!  We just released Stat 5.8.1.  This is a maintenance release that previews some cool new features and fine tuning of the infrastructure that will be a part of the upcoming Stat…

  • Fast and Furious Agile Development

    If we’ve learned anything from the cinematic achievement that is all 72 Fast and Furious films, it’s that high-stakes operations can quickly go awry with the slightest technical glitch. Staying ahead of the competition requires agility and rapid…

  • Planning on Migrating Your Oracle Database? Learn From my Mistakes!

    I’m sure Oracle DBAs everywhere are keeping their collective ears close to the ground waiting for the official announcement on 12cR2. We still, rightly or wrongly, have a habit of waiting for the 2nd release of Oracle versions, but that’s for another…

  • User Defined Collections in Foglight for SQL Server: A Quick Walk-Through

    User-Defined Collections enable you to tell Foglight for SQL Server to go beyond the data points it collects out-of-the-box to also collect the results of queries that you define.  So in addition to the vast amount of commonly-needed metrics that Foglight…