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Business School Graduates to Unified IT Asset Management and Automated Image Deployment Solution

“It used to take us about four days to image 50 machines manually. Now it's a doddle. We can image that many machines in a day. That is clearly a benefit to everyone.”

IT Director, Business School

Even with the software product the school’s small IT team was using, the processes of imaging and patching computers were too labor-intensive. It took too much time to keep the school’s machines updated. The IT director’s goal was to connect new machines onto the network and have a system that would automate imaging and patching as much as possible. He also wanted all-in-one asset management that would afford a broad, deep view of inventory across the network.

Read the customer story of this business school to find out how you too can use the KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) for endpoint management. You’ll also see how the KACE Systems Deployment Appliance (SDA) offers image deployment. Together, they save “tons and tons” of time for the IT team and automate unified endpoint management (UEM) by managing assets and installing patches.



KACE Systems Deployment Appliance
KACE Systems Deployment Appliance

