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Simplifying Enterprise Backup and Recovery

Simplifying Enterprise Backup and Recovery

Protecting enterprise data in a complex IT environment is challenging, time-consuming, cumbersome and often incomplete. Installation of backup and recovery technologies can be complicated and learning to manage and maintain them takes a lot of time, effort and patience — especially if your environment has multiple operating systems and applications and is heavily virtualized. 

Quest® NetVault® Backup, on the other hand, simplifies enterprise backup and recovery, from installation and deployment to everyday management and use — ensuring rock-solid protection for your entire IT universe and ultimately saving you time, money and other resources. 

Read this tech brief to discover how NetVault Backup:

  • Helps you manage your growing and diverse IT environment
  • Protects all of your data, operating systems and virtual environments
  • Provides advanced protection for network-attached storage devices and databases such as Oracle, Exchange, SQL Server, DB2 and SAP
  • Allows you to back up to disk or tape

Simplifying Enterprise Backup and Recovery



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