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Why Choose Toad for Oracle Base Edition over freeware?

Why Choose Toad for Oracle Base Edition over freeware?

As a leading database management tool, Toad® has many ardent fans who appreciate its ability to make quick work of daily database development and administrative tasks. For the last few years, after the Toad for Oracle free trial expired, the product reverted to Toad Freeware and its limited functionality.

This has changed. Now, when the 30-day trial expires, the free version will no longer be available. Instead, the Base edition of Toad for Oracle provides a low-cost option for users who wish to continue using Toad, but don’t want to spend a lot to get it.

The Base edition offers significantly enhanced functionality over Toad Freeware, and promotional pricing makes it an attractive purchase for any database team.

In this tech brief, we describe the enhanced functionality for important activities such as maintaining concurrent database connection, browsing schema objects, automating repetitive tasks, unit testing and more.

You’ll also learn more about our Toad for Oracle Base edition subscription offering.

Why Choose Toad for Oracle Base Edition over freeware?

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