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Oracle Data Migration to Azure: A ConversationalGeek Book

Oracle Data Migration to Azure: A ConversationalGeek Book

Databases (Oracle or otherwise) have long resided on-premises. For many reasons, organizations have largely relied on local infrastructure to host their Oracle databases. But in recent years, the opportunity to take advantage of the cloud for Oracle workloads has presented itself, allowing organizations to take advantage of the scalability, availability, processing power, and adjacent services the cloud has to offer. This book focuses mainly on Azure – Microsoft’s cloud platform – and discusses the why and how of moving your Oracle database there.

In this conversational piece (mini edition) by ConversationalGeek, learn about:

  • Why you should consider moving Oracle data Azure in the first place
  • Discover practical steps that can be taken to assist in a successful migration of your Oracle data
Oracle Data Migration to Azure: A ConversationalGeek Book

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