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Get more from Toad in our "Ask Toad" webcast series - 2019

Think you know all there is to know about Toad®? Think again! Because the top Toad experts are joining forces to show you how to get more value and save more time than ever with Toad. From lesser-known features to cool, new functionality, Toad offers countless ways to help you improve code quality, reduce code defects, maintain peak database performance and enjoy easier workdays.

Each 30-minute session includes step-by-step guidance on an everyday challenge to simplify and streamline your work, followed by a helpful Q&A where there’s a good chance one of your peers brought up something you were wondering about, too. So check out answers to your Toad questions. And get ready to learn something new about your favorite database management tool.

Don’t miss out, check out the Ask Toad 2020 webcast series

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Are you dealing with unplanned development cycles due to poor code quality and technical debt? Is your development team using agile or DevOps methodologies? All this pressure to cut costs and move faster allows less time for traditional code reviews. And that’s a serious problem. According to one study, code bugs cost $1.1 trillion – worldwide, in a single year!

But what if you could automatically ensure coding best practices are followed? This would mean you’d reduce risk and avoid the stress, costs and hours of work involved when coding errors make it to production. In this session, you’ll see how to use the Code Analysis feature to improve code quality.




Are you struggling to tune your SQL statements and PL/SQL code? Are you reliant on your DBAs to assist you and can't get their time? According to Forrester Research, 60 percent of database performance issues can be attributed to poor SQL statement execution.

With the SQL Optimizer for Oracle® functionality in Toad for Oracle, you can automate the SQL optimization process and maximize the performance of your SQL statements. SQL Optimizer for Oracle analyzes, rewrites and evaluates SQL statements located within database objects, files or collections of SQL statements from Oracle's System Global Area (SGA). Once SQL Optimizer identifies problematic SQL statements, it optimizes the SQL and provides replacement code that includes the optimized statement.




Migrating database changes, eventually to production, inherently presents risks: the risk of having missed something, the risk of a mistake in a script – a lot can go wrong. But what if you could avoid those risks using Toad® for Oracle? This would save you time and help you safely deploy database changes.

With the powerful Compare feature in Toad for Oracle, you can automate the process of comparing the structure of your databases, schemas and objects within your Oracle environment, including the data itself. You can interactively see the differences or view a report of these differences. Depending on your use case, you may want to reconcile the differences and synchronize your environments. You can do this interactively, schedule it or even automate the comparison itself. Manually performing these tasks is resource-intensive and potentially risky. See how Toad for Oracle can make you more productive and help you mitigate risk when migrating your database changes.




With the emergence of open source database software solutions, more companies are looking to break free from the grip of high cost database software. But, just as quickly as management sees the savings, data architects and DBAs see the headaches from making this change a reality.

Toad Data Modeler simplifies the task by allowing you to create data models from 16 sources and quickly convert them to your targets. Whether you are a novice or expert, Toad Data Modeler gives you the latitude to explore those free and open source database solutions. Learn how it works in this short session.




Rapid development cycles make it more important than ever to track and document changes to your source code. Many Toad customers are already using a version control system (VCS) without realizing they can integrate it with Toad and have Toad handle the backend processing.




A power user accidentally updates all the rows in your production table. But no one knows about it until the next day. What do you do? Yes, you have database backups (you do, don’t you?) and other safeguards in place. But bad things still happen to good databases. Is there a recovery approach other than restoring from backup, and then rolling the right transactions forward? Toad for Oracle has a little-known ability to ”mine” Oracle’s re-do logs.




When you need to update a PL/SQL object, how do you know if you’ve identified the other objects that the piece of code uses? The last thing you want to do is introduce a problem because you missed a dependency.



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