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Remove the Views tab in Active Roles 7.2


Is it possible to remove "Views" tab in the Browser pane in the ARserverAdmin web interface?


  • Others may differ on this point, but I don't believe this is possible at the moment.

    One suggestion I would have is, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you might consider the Self-Service (ARWebSelfService) site through which you can gain access to User Properties without the View tab (or indeed the AD browser).

    I am currently implementing for a customer a user properties verification process and I am generating a URL to display the properties of the user using the above site - the user is provided the URL in an e-mail.  Very specific use case I know but just highlighting that you can show user properties by customizing this site.

  • Others may differ on this point, but I don't believe this is possible at the moment.

    One suggestion I would have is, depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you might consider the Self-Service (ARWebSelfService) site through which you can gain access to User Properties without the View tab (or indeed the AD browser).

    I am currently implementing for a customer a user properties verification process and I am generating a URL to display the properties of the user using the above site - the user is provided the URL in an e-mail.  Very specific use case I know but just highlighting that you can show user properties by customizing this site.

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