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Workflow Script dependencies


i wrote a custom script for computer to add them to sccm.

The commands work fine (add Computer to SCCM and to an OSD Collection) i just have trouble as i'm getting a timeout in the gui while create the object because i takes some time to get an Device ID from SCCM (up to 10 Minutes).

So i tried to build a workflow so that it becomes a background operation 

1. Added SCCM Account in a PostCreate Step

2. Build a Workflow Start Condition Create Computer

I'm still getting a timeout

Next Step was to Add Computer to a special Group and use this as a trigger

1. Add member to group based on samaccount

And i'm still getting the timeout, seems like the gui is waiting for some kind of result from the workflow.

Is there anything that someone should keep in mind when creating background task right after creat operation?