Identity Analytics and Risk Intelligence:


Safeguard Risk Calculation and Event Improvements: We previously introduced the addition of Safeguard as a data source for Risk Intelligence. As we see and hear more from our customers we improved the calculation of risk based on Safeguard entitlements and clarified some of the event messages to make it even simpler to use.

Improved data layout on the Rules Page to make it more readable: Readability is important! When viewing a list of rules, depending on your settings, it was possible that the layout was off and confusing. In this release we corrected this for all display types and make it even easier to see the rules and their descriptions

Introduced aggregate entitlement logic for nested groups: With the recent addition of analyzing nested group membership and their entitlements, it was important that we calculate aggregate entitlements for analysis and reporting. This makes the entitlement management more accurate when deep nesting of groups is involved

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