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ReportComponent Export options

I need to set the "Bands Filter" to "All bands" in a ReportComponent Export step for a CSV file.
I see there is a CustomText parameter for additional parameters. What is the format for that parameter so I can get all bands in that exported report?

  • Hi Rich,

    currently only the following CSV parameters can be used:

    • CsvEncoding
    • CsvSeparator
    • CsvSkipColumnHeaders

    If you would explain your use-case and your version of OneIM we might find a different solution for you.

  • Hi Markus,

    I need to create a CSV that looks like this:

    Type=Upload Custom Fields Update,,,
    Language=English (United States),,,
    Object ID,[c] Network ID,[c] Email Address,[c] Has Resource Worked for here Previously?

    Six bands of information for the target system followed by one column header row and then data.

    I wrote a report that does this and in Subscribable Reports in Manager I can preview the report and save it with the bands filter set to "All bands".

    Which gives me the report I require.

    It would be nice to use a ReportComponent Export step.

    If CsvSkipColumnHeaders is set to "false" I just get the data if "true" I get "Text8,Text12,Text13,Text11" (no kidding).



  • In regards to the case where you set SkipColumnHeaders to true you should take a look at the post that describes that behavior and the solution.

    As written before you cannot set the parameter to use AllBands to solve you problem but how about this workaround.

    The information you are getting from the other data bands could be moved to the HeaderBand of the data to be exported as they are static, meaning you only get one data point for each of the items (Type, Transaction, ...).

    So you HeaderBand would contain all the items you need and you could use SkipColumnHeaders=False.

