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Build MasterData URL in Attestation - approval required Mail Template OIM 8.0.1

Hey folks,

So I have been customizing some mail templates and so far so good for the most part. My current focus is on a new joiner use case, in which I trigger an API call to the application server to insert a person. Thanks to the help of some fine folks here, I have been able to get the attestation policies, and custom workflows working as desired, with inbound emails to the attestor.

At this point, I am looking for the approver to have as many options as possible when certifying the new person. So I have also copied/customized the  "Attestation - approval required Mail" template, and added parameters to the "VI_Attestation_AttestationHelper send mail new task for approver" process to get additional data into the mail template.

For the most part I am getting certain info into the email, but there are some dynamic links that I am not able to build properly.

  1. To reduce the number of mouse clicks necessary for an approver to review a new person, I would like to build a link to the target person's "Master Data" in ITShop page so that the attestor can just open that from the email and make any adjustments necessary.

    1. I attempted to walk the objects back to the person and dynamically create a link that takes the person to the master data page.
      1. Created a param name
      2. Created the param value (pardon the misspell)
      3. Add param to mail template
  2. Now about the link I am trying to build

    I notice that there are a bunch of other scripts in the template, but I thought that this would be easier for me. I am thinking now that the template is less dynamic in this case so I am open to suggestions. Otherwise, this is how I am building the link

    1. Value = Connection.GetConfigParm("QER\WebPortal\BaseURL") & "/page.axd?RuntimeFormID=3905b4d9-3d87-44ad-866c-1293ec3fe5d3&aeweb_handler=p&aeweb_rp=&wproj=0&ObjectKey=" & $FK(UID_AttestationCase).ObjectKeyBase$ & "&ContextID=VI_Common_ObjectSheet"

      1. So I recognize that the link above is an abomination as I simply attempted to piece together the URL from what I copied from the browser, and inserted the elements that I thought would be necessary to derive the appropriate URL. I did not realize at the time that the RundTimeFormID changes for every person (not even sure I need that), so while the link takes me to the page with all of the tiles for the user, I still have to click into the "Master Data" tile to get to that detail.

It could very well be that there is a better way to accomplish this that I am not aware of. Totally open to getting different perspectives on how others are handling such scenarios.


  • Meant to add the following as well:

    The derived link looks like this:<Key><T>Person</T><P>4a523484-b6ff-4a55-a1ed-30811f1705b0</P></Key>&ContextID=VI_Common_ObjectSheet

    The link takes me to this:

    If I click on the "Master Data" tile, I get taken to the correct URL.

    The rendered page (this is the one that I want to send the link to.)


  • Meant to add the following as well:

    The derived link looks like this:<Key><T>Person</T><P>4a523484-b6ff-4a55-a1ed-30811f1705b0</P></Key>&ContextID=VI_Common_ObjectSheet

    The link takes me to this:

    If I click on the "Master Data" tile, I get taken to the correct URL.

    The rendered page (this is the one that I want to send the link to.)


No Data