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Custom workflow - email user random generated password

 Hello guys,


I have just recently installed One Identity Password Manager version in our test-environment. We see that the existing workflows can not apply to our situation, and need to create a new simple custom workflow. We are looking for a self-selvice portal for our users where they simply can reset their password.


The workflow should consist of a user searching after his AD-user and then choose the custom workflow "Password email reset" workflow, a random generated password is set on the user account in AD (in addition: "user must change password at next logon" is checked), and an email is sent to the user with the password.


The best would be to email the user a link which he then access and set a new password - like the way facebook, gmail, etc do it. Is this possible? :)


Best regards


  • Hi,

    Thanks again for the suggestion, I was not aware of the samples. I like your suggestion and I have just tried to implement the SetPasscode example to test it. However having some difficulties.

    I created a new workflow with the name "Set Passcode" containing one custom acitivity "Passcode" where I pasted in the powershell-script which was provided in the SetPasscode.txt, I uncommented the lines beginning with $EMAIL_SUBJECT and $EMAIL_BODY. In the "User Interface Designer" I did not do anything and on the "Activity name" I just prode "Passcode"

    When I then access the PMUser interfae and search for a specific user and then get logged in as the user I choose the "Set Passcode" workflow and receive the following error:

    *Domain not specified

    Do I need to specify domain anywhere? Since it manages to retrieve the AD user and therefor also should be able to retrieve the domain.

    Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong, that would be really helpful.

    Kind regards
  • Hi,

    Thanks again for the suggestion, I was not aware of the samples. I like your suggestion and I have just tried to implement the SetPasscode example to test it. However having some difficulties.

    I created a new workflow with the name "Set Passcode" containing one custom acitivity "Passcode" where I pasted in the powershell-script which was provided in the SetPasscode.txt, I uncommented the lines beginning with $EMAIL_SUBJECT and $EMAIL_BODY. In the "User Interface Designer" I did not do anything and on the "Activity name" I just prode "Passcode"

    When I then access the PMUser interfae and search for a specific user and then get logged in as the user I choose the "Set Passcode" workflow and receive the following error:

    *Domain not specified

    Do I need to specify domain anywhere? Since it manages to retrieve the AD user and therefor also should be able to retrieve the domain.

    Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong, that would be really helpful.

    Kind regards
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