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DCIG Report: 6 Ransomware Attack Vectors where Backup Can Help

DCIG Report: 6 Ransomware Attack Vectors where Backup Can Help Every day the news around ransomware attacks only seems to worsen with no organization immune to them. Having learned many lessons through the years, cybercriminals have grown more sophisticated to better prepare themselves to attack larger enterprises. While preventing a ransomware attack always trumps recovering from one, organizations must assume an attack will eventually succeed. This is why organizations should select a backup solution that possesses two primary characteristics. First, it must protect itself and its data from the ransomware attack. Second, it must offer features that position organizations to restore data and recover applications. This paper provides critical information on the top ransomware attack vectors and how a comprehensive backup & recovery solution will help.
DCIG Report: 6 Ransomware Attack Vectors where Backup Can Help

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