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Migration to Exchange Online and Office 365: A Step-by-Step Guide

Migration to Exchange Online and Office 365: A Step-by-Step Guide

The use of Office 365 across the globe is growing rapidly, driven by Microsoft’s intense focus on the platform — not to mention because of the clear value proposition for organizations of all sizes. While Exchange Online growth is leading the early charge, there are many opportunities for organizations to use the other components of Office 365 to enhance productivity.

In this white paper, we present a step-by-step guide for migrating to Exchange Online and Office 365, including:

  • Deciding when, how and where to migrate
  • Ensuring the new platform will support all your needs
  • Planning your move
  • Completing your migration
  • Supporting the new platform’s use going forward
Migration to Exchange Online and Office 365: A Step-by-Step Guide

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