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Empower 2021: Mitigating the risk associated with sensitive data across the enterprise

Empower 2021: Mitigating the risk associated with sensitive data across the enterprise 26:20
The proximity of sensitive data to key transformation initiatives like BizDevOps, hybrid cloud operations and self-service data preparation adds complexity to achieving the efficiency and effectiveness required to be truly successful in these endeavors. In this session Danny Sandwell will discuss how to meet the challenges associated with sensitive data within your organization as well as enabling key stakeholders to mitigate the risks and fully leverage this valuable enterprise asset.

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Empower 2021: Fireside chat - Model-driven DevOps – What Is It?

Combining an enterprise architecture and a model-driven approach to DevOps (aka BizDevOps) to drive software delivery means you can ensure higher-value software changes that more accurately reflect the changing needs of the business. During this conversation with Vamshi Damera, Enterprise Architect at Washington DC Metro, we will discuss the challenges that companies often encounter in the course of delivering faster value to the business and what an ideal solution should look like.

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