
Professional services provider successfully completes selective IT integration required by large acquisition

Even though the source environment ended up being far more convoluted and complex than we thought, with the Quest toolset, we were able to bring the data across in a way that made it useful to our company.

Senior Portfolio Manager

When a professional services firm acquired just a portion of another company, the IT team was faced with completing a selective IT integration across a wide range of on premises and cloud systems — and with limited visibility into the specifics of the other environment. 



On Demand Migration
On Demand Migration

SaaSベースのOffice 365における、ユーザ、グループ、メールボックス、ディレクトリのテナント間移行


Content Matrix
Content Matrix

SharePointとOffice 365の複雑な移行を扱います。


Archive Shuttle
Archive Shuttle
