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TEC Talk: Preparing for a Transition from Active Directory to Entra ID

TEC Talk: Preparing for a Transition from Active Directory to Azure AD
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Feb. 15, 2024
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
TEC Talk: Preparing for a Transition from Active Directory to Azure AD

When considering a transition from Active Directory to Azure AD, it is important to understand the technical complexities that can impact migration readiness and present challenges throughout the project. In this session, we discuss transition approaches for two scenarios: Converting a hybrid environment to Azure AD and migrating to a new Azure AD environment as part of a merger, acquisition, or divestiture. We’ll discuss security considerations, review methods to reduce user impact when switching to cloud-only accounts, and discuss options for servers and virtual machines that cannot be directly migrated.



Becky Cross is a Subject Matter Expert for Quest migration and integration products, including Quest On Demand Migration, Binary Tree Power365, On Demand Migration for Active Directory, Binary Tree Migrator Pro for Active Directory, and Binary Tree Directory Sync Pro. Becky has over 20 years of IT experience, supporting, managing, and migrating Active Directory and Microsoft 365 environments for companies of all sizes. Bringing together her experience from the field and her Quest product knowledge, she regularly speaks, writes, and blogs about how to achieve successful migrations in complex scenarios.

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