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How to Use SQL Server’s Extended Events and Notifications to Proactively Resolve Performance Issues

How to Use SQL Server’s Extended Events and Notifications to Proactively Resolve Performan...

SQL Server comes with a wide array of tools for monitoring your environment. There are logs and traces that provide information when errors occur, but these are often used passively to react to events that have already occurred. As DBAs, we need to monitor our environments proactively and create solutions as issues arise.

In this white paper, we will look at a couple technologies – event notifications and extended events – that can help you achieve these goals. With these two features, we’ll look at the error log and deadlocks, and demonstrate how you can get relevant information delivered as it occurs. We’ll also look at ways that run-time errors can be captured and used to help reduce the amount of time required to investigate issues.

How to Use SQL Server’s Extended Events and Notifications to Proactively Resolve Performan...

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