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Aligning Quest to the NIST Framework

Aligning Quest to the NIST Framework
Sob demanda
  • Data gravada:Nov. 4, 2022
  • Evento:Sob demanda
Aligning Quest to the NIST Framework

Cybersecurity is now more important than ever. The days of a strong perimeter being enough are over. Ransomware and other cyberattacks have grown at an exponential rate the last several years, and the heart of cybersecurity question is Active Directory (AD). So where do you start?

The NIST Framework offers a lifecycle for security that helps you consider every stage of a potential attack so you can be prepared. At Quest, we’re uniquely positioned to help with every part of the NIST Framework.

In this short, informative session, security expert Bryan Patton covers how Quest products align to the NIST Framework, offering a single solution for the entire lifecycle:

  • Identify
  • Detect
  • Protect
  • Respond
  • Recover

See for yourself how Quest offers defense in depth every step of the way.

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