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Reduce your recovery time from a Forest-level Active Directory disaster by 95%

Reduce your recovery time from a Forest-level Active Directory disaster by 95% 01:06

Active Directory is at the heart of businesses around the world. Microsoft estimates that there are more than 473 million Active Directory accounts that authenticate close to 10 billion times during an average day. 

That's why Active Directory problems, whether accidental or malicious, can cripple a business and cause It professionals many sleepless nights. We understand how important Active Directory is, and we help manage and protect more than 180 million AD accounts worldwide.

One small spark can take out your entire Active Directory forest. Assess your AD environment health, stopping problems before they burn everything down. 

With Recovery Manager for Active Directory, you can reduce the time it takes to recover from the forest level AD disaster by 95%. Learn more about Active Directory Forest Disaster Recovery.
