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Introducing Quest QoreStor 5.0

Introducing Quest QoreStor 5.0
  • 记录日期:Aug. 9, 2018
  • 活动:录播
Introducing Quest QoreStor 5.0

Next-generation software-defined dedupe and replication solution for virtually any backup.

If you’re looking for a unique solution to grow your data protection business and attract new customers, QoreStor 5.0 is it. This software-defined secondary storage platform is based on Quest’s proven DR Appliance resilient deduplication and replication technologies, and helps your customers accelerate backups, significantly reduce storage requirements and costs, and better leverage the cloud for archiving and disaster recovery.

Best of all, being a software solution, your customers can break free from backup appliances and use whatever hardware is best for them. Join our webinar and discover how this solution can differentiate your solution set and help you grow your business in multiple ways, including:

  • Selling QoreStor not just to Quest backup customers, but those using other solutions
  • Converting from a value-added reseller (VAR) to a managed service provider (MSP)
  • Migrating from a managed service provider (MSP) to a  cloud service provider (CSP)



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