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Notes from the Field: Microsoft Sentinel in real-life

Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
  • 记录日期:Dec. 6, 2022
  • 活动:录播
Microsoft 365 DSC: How to Set Up an Office 365 Tenant from Scratch and Stop Configuration Drift
While there is an abundance amount of information about Microsoft Sentinel, it takes time to find out what is marketing speak and how the product actually behaves. With his experience implementing Microsoft Sentinel in multiple organizations, This will walk through real-life scenarios and provide tips and tricks on how to set up your environment. These tips will range from thoughts about the machine learning algorithms, the built-in rule templates and integrations into your day-to-day operations.


Thijs Lecomte - Senior Microsoft 365 Consultant
The Collective



triangle-down check
