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Endpoint Security and the Channel: Opportunities and Answers

Endpoint Security and the Channel: Opportunities and Answers
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Dec. 13, 2018
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Endpoint Security and the Channel: Opportunities and Answers

As security continues to creep to the top of every IT agenda, securing endpoints is becoming key to effectively managing any organization’s security infrastructure.

To help customers manage rapidly growing issues around BYOD, mobility, remote working and successfully protecting all endpoints, an effective suite of unified endpoint management (UEM) solutions is key.

For partners, there is a huge opportunity to be found in the UEM solutions market, but how can you harness this? What questions do you need to be able to answer to help your customers understand how these solutions can benefit their business?

To answer these questions and more, watch this Channelnomics and Quest webcast as we discuss the results of our exclusive research into this hugely important topic, giving you insight, guidance and expertise on exactly what it takes to ensure you are ahead of the game and in step with exactly what your customers need when it comes to endpoint security and UEM solutions.

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