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Techniques Cyber Criminals Hope You’re Not Leveraging

Techniques Cyber Criminal Hope You’re Not Leveraging
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:Oct. 21, 2021
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Techniques Cyber Criminal Hope You’re Not Leveraging

Cybercriminals are more cunning than ever before. The breadth of attack vectors being used to infiltrate organizations ranges from basic techniques to downright sophisticated malicious works of technological art. This leaves companies struggling to secure their sensitive data, and in an evolving industry like technology, one cannot rest their laurels. Add to that the increase of remote employees who are operating on insecure home networks companies, and IT admins are at an even more significant disadvantage. But don’t lose hope just yet.

In this webinar, James Rico discusses how companies can leverage a layered security approach that will have those wanting to do you harm moving on to their next target in their get rich quick scheme attempts.

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