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Why Defragmenting Your Indexes Isn't Helping

Why Defragmenting Your Indexes Isn't Helping
  • Datum der Aufzeichnung:May 5, 2020
  • Veranstaltung:Aufgezeichnete
Why Defragmenting Your Indexes Isn't Helping

For years, you've heard that you're supposed to reorganize your indexes to make SQL Server go faster. It sounds like it makes sense - keep things in order, right? But you keep doing it, and SQL Server isn't getting any faster. You've even heard that setting fill factor will help prevent fragmentation, and you're doing that too - but your indexes still keep getting fragmented every day, and users aren't happy with SQL performance. This advice made a lot of sense at the turn of the century, but today, things are different - and we're not just talking solid state drives. In just the first 15 minutes, you'll have a series of ah-ha moments when you realize that your daily index maintenance jobs might just be making the problem worse instead of better. Then, you'll learn what you need to do instead.

This on-demand session is for people responsible for the care and feeding of production SQL Servers. You don't have to have the word "DBA" in your job title - you just have to be the one responsible.

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