Restore business operations, data integrity and customer trust in minutes or hours instead of weeks or months
Empower enterprise stakeholders to use data assets strategically for data operations, data protection and data governance
Protect and recover all your systems, applications and data while reducing backup storage costs
Achieve identity-centric cybersecurity to protect the people, applications and data that are essential to business
Conquer your next migration (now and in the future) by making it a non-event for end users
Discover, manage and secure evolving hybrid workforce environments
Mitigate risk with attack path management, threat detection and disaster recovery
Equip your organization with security solutions that align with Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) protocols.
This workshop highlights ten security events that administrators track closely to keep their Azure AD and Office 365 environment secure. It explores the audit information they can find using native tools and consoles and identifies the pitfalls they are most likely to encounter when pulling audit reports natively. Finally, it offers a look at a solution that can help them overcome some of these native auditing limitations
The siren song of the cloud is strong: In fact, 38 percent of IT departments are under pressure to migrate all their applications and infrastructure to thecloud. The platform of choice? Office 365.
Is your AD backup and recovery solution ready for today’s challenges?Your Active Directory, Exchange, Azure AD and Office 365 environments arecritical to your business. Watch more here
This workshop explores the four key areas you should be concerned about when managing a remote Office 365 workforce and offers best practices and proven tools for addressing them effectively.
With organizations around the worldrapidly adopting Office 365, IT prosneed to be prepared to performefficient, effective tenant-to-tenantmigrations. Whether you’re undergoinga merger or acquisition, or it’s time toclean up and consolidate your IT.
In this session we will discuss someareas where measuring and takingaction can save you a lot of money andincrease the value of your Office 365and Azure AD license investment.
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