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TEC TALK: Five Practical Uses of SharePoint Syntex

TEC Talk
a la demande
  • Date enregistrée:Feb. 25, 2021
  • Événement:a la demande
TEC Talk

The Experts Conference (TEC), the biggest Microsoft training event of the year, was a huge success last year – with 5,000 registrants. The results were overwhelmingly positive, with attendees praising the advanced-level Microsoft training and industry expert-led sessions.

In preparation for TEC 2021, Quest will have teaser-like TEC Talks throughout the year, which are bite-sized practical training sessions with no product pitches.

While Microsoft has been providing functionality for SharePoint Syntex, most companies have no idea how accessible and effective it is for existing SharePoint sites. While there are additional enhancements for automation and image and object recognition with AI Builder, SharePoint Syntex is very affordable and easy to utilize today. 

But how can you be sure?

Joel Oleson, Microsoft Office Apps and Services MVP and Regional Director, can help.

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