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IT Manager Track - Database Technology Trends

IT Manager Track - Database Technology Trends
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Oct. 8, 2020
  • Evento:A pedido
IT Manager Track - Database Technology Trends

This year’s unprecedented changes in IT are accelerating the pace of what was already happening around data operations, cloud DBaaS adoption, application delivery and data privacy. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced significant challenges in the way businesses operate with the forced introduction of WFH. IT leaders are rethinking how to maintain effective IT operations with reduced budgets. The use of new technologies built around AI and ML such as autonomous databases and the introduction of hybrid databases is increasing momentum, and both have the potential to significantly impact the traditional role of the DBA. In this session, we’ll explore some of these new technology trends and what to expect from an increasingly dynamic but fragmented market.

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