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Need a clear path to database health? What if you had a GPS for SQL Tuning?

Need a clear path to database health? What if you had a GPS for SQL Tuning?
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jan. 31, 2017
  • Evento:A pedido
Need a clear path to database health? What if you had a GPS for SQL Tuning?

We have all come to rely on our favorite navigation tool to help us find the quickest and easiest route to our destination. Using a GPS device to map our way has even saved a few marriages. As a SQL Server professional, what if you could use similar technology to find the fastest path to database health and performance? Join this informative webinar to learn:

- How to find the exact location to the problem
- Use plan analysis to navigate the route your data takes
- Why fixing the issue with SQL Optimization is always your ultimate destination
- How Quest tools can help


Martin Wild & Richard Rowe

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