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Take Control of Your Office 365 and Azure AD Infrastructure

Take Control of Your Office 365 and Azure AD Infrastructure
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Jan. 18, 2018
  • Evento:A pedido
Take Control of Your Office 365 and Azure AD Infrastructure

What is your strategy for transforming, managing and securing your organization’s applications and data as you move to Office 365 and Azure?

In this webcast featuring both Quest and Avanade, we explore a best-practices methodology for transitioning to the cloud, governing your cloud or hybrid environment and ensuring your business goals are met. We will examine detailed explanations and checklists to:

  • Understand why organizations are transitioning and the impact to IT (both Azure and Office 365)
  • Discover proven approaches for cloud transformation for Azure workloads
  • Improve your hybrid directory security posture
  • Keep your on-premises AD from becoming the Achilles’ heel of your Azure AD and Office 365 security
  • Overcome data breaches in your hybrid environment

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