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TEC Talk: Azure Attack Paths Explained

TEC Talk: Lessons Learned in Merger and Acquisition Microsoft 365 Tenant Consolidation Projects
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:May 24, 2022
  • Evento:A pedido
TEC Talk: Lessons Learned in Merger and Acquisition Microsoft 365 Tenant Consolidation Projects

Attack path understanding and management is a critical component of defending Active Directory environments from cyberattacks. With so many organizations adopting cloud computing services like Azure, AWS and GCP, attackers are finding new ways to identify choke points in cloud-based services.

In this talk, SpecterOps Technical Architect, red teamer, and co-author of BloodHound, Andy Robbins, will:

  • Cover how attack paths can emerge in Azure environments 
  • Explain how attack paths are used to access vital assets by using real-world examples
  • Demonstrate how to recognize and eliminate attack paths before attackers exploit them

You’ll learn all you need to know to start protecting yourself and your organization. 

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