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Under the Covers of Office 365 with Microsoft Product Managers

Under the Covers of Office 365 with Microsoft Product Managers
A pedido
  • Fecha de grabación:Nov. 18, 2020
  • Evento:A pedido
Under the Covers of Office 365 with Microsoft Product Managers
How Microsoft 365 knowledge and insights can help you build organizational resilience with Microsoft's Chris McNulty 

For the last decade, at least, business and organizational volatility has been a mainstay, heightening even more in today’s COVID era Microsoft is focused on helping organizations build resilience towards these changes with a major innovative focus on knowledge and insights. Join Microsoft Sr. Product Manager, Chris McNulty, to learn how Microsoft is delivering knowledge and insights built on the Microsoft Graph, utilizing Project Cortex, Workplace Analytics, SharePoint, and Search. He’ll share how the Microsoft 365 apps your users engage with every day to communicate, collaborate and create will enhance organizational wide knowledge discovery, expertise and answers, content understanding and workplace insights.

Under the covers of Exchange Online with Microsoft's Greg Taylor 

Have you ever wondered what it takes to run the world’s largest Exchange deployment? Do you have any idea how many servers there are and how they are managed? How does Microsoft build and deploy code to such an environment? Have you ever heard of the substrate and wondered what it is? Or are you now wondering why we mentioned it and are thinking that sounds important, and you now are curious? Well, yes, it is, and you should. Come and find out answers to these questions and learn how Exchange is still at the beating heart of Microsoft’s productivity cloud.

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