[MUSIC PLAYING] My name is Shannon Wilson. I work for Explorer Pipeline. My current job title is information support specialist, where I run support for Explorer Pipeline. Explorer Pipeline, we transport product in a pipeline, roughly 2,200 miles of pipe. We have about 500 employees.
And we've been labeled a mission-critical infrastructure. We currently have the SMA and the SDA. We use the case SDA to deploy system and system-scripted images so that we set a standard across the board on all of our computers and laptops. The SMA we use very heavily for application deployment, Microsoft patching, as well as scheduled tasks.
What we probably value the most is the flexibility of software deployment, keeping software updated, and also imaging as far as the simplicity of imaging a machine, imaging a group of machines. It's very, very simple. If we didn't have these tools and these conveniences, I probably wouldn't get to go home every day. Just the workload that it takes off of my plate is phenomenal.
Being the only support guy for the company, it really benefits in keeping things organized and keeping things efficient. So it makes me more efficient that I can run these products. I would recommend Case because of its flexibility, its organization. It's efficient at helping us do what we need to do.