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The Essential DBA Playbook for Optimized SQL Server Management: Part 2

The Essential DBA Playbook for Optimized SQL Server Management: Part 2

Part 2: Establishing Effective Backup and Recovery

Discover how to build high availability, backup and disaster recovery into your SQL Server environment. Read Part 2 of our e-book for a checklist on effective backup and recovery in your SQL Server environment.

Part 2 of the e-book will help you:

  • Understand the differences between high availability and disaster recovery.
  • Understand your options for high availability in SQL Server.
  • Establish both a backup strategy and a recovery strategy.
  • Build a disaster recovery strategy for the long term.

Watch for all three parts of this handy, methodical e-book. It’s designed to help DBAs like you put in place strategies for focusing on the hardware, software, workflow and cultural issues within your control. Read Part 2, “Establishing Effective Backup and Recovery.” Also, Part 1 is still available.

The Essential DBA Playbook for Optimized SQL Server Management: Part 2

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