• Modify User Recursive Group Membership Report by adding a filter to limit Users it works against

    I have a customer we are running a divestiture migration with who has an extremely large Active Directory.  What I need to do is figure out based on a list of users (who have an LDAP Attribute populated for scope) what groups to add to our scope.  Normally…

  • Requesting a report that lists the Critical Groups in a domain, (Domain admins, Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins, etc.) showing the members of the group and also shows the users last logontimestamp

    Requesting a report that lists the Critical Groups in a domain, (Domain admins, Enterprise Admins, Schema Admins, etc.) lists the members of the group and also shows the users last logon time stamp

  • Custom Report that maps users access to a directory

    We are looking for a report that will show which groups (including nested groups) give a user access to a Windows share.

    For example we would like to see how USER1 has access to SERVER1\Shared

    SERVER1\Shared - GROUP1 has Modify Permissions, GROUP2 has…

  • Custom Reports with Custom Quieries breaks after upgrading to Enterprise Reporter 3.0


    I need help in fixing my Custom Report Queries when I upgraded Enterprise Reporter to version 3.0.  Somehow the database schema changed.  All of my custom reports display no results.

    Here is an example of "Folder Permission with Membership"…