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Ent Reporter SQL database in an untrusted domain

I know this is a bit of an edge case but I want to be sure I'm not missing something....

Customer wishes to install Ent Reporter 3.0 in AD Domain B.

Domain B doesn't contain any SQL servers.

Customer has a SQL server in Domain A and wants to have Reporter send data to the database using SQL Authentication.

There is no trust between Domain A and Domain B.

Now here's the interesting bit... based on testing in my lab, I was able to create the Reporter DB on the Domain A SQL Server by referencing a SQL login contained therein.

However, there doesn't appear to be any way to use the same approach to have the Discovery Cluster / nodes submit data to the database?

The dialog for setting up the cluster / nodes has a check box that is supposed to allow use of different credentials for "SQL authentication".  I believe the dialog is using this term a bit loosely and really means specifying alternative domain credentials for accessing SQL.