Returns any users where their logon name does not match their mail address. This version is hardcoded to include only users with using the specified host.
Returns any users where their logon name does not match their mail address. This version is hardcoded to include only users with using the specified host.
Domain Users report with list of groups for user.
1. removed some info about user
2. added distinguished group name
3. Added optional parameters to filter by Group Name (e.g. "DOMAIN\Administrators") or Distinguished Group Name (e.g. "…
Domain Users report with list of groups for user.
Steps to import this report is as follows:
A custom query report showing users who have not logged and changed their password in the last 90 days.
The implemented filters:
Account Disabled equals 'FALSE' AND
Password Can Expire equals 'TRUE' AND
(Last Password Change is null OR…
It is just an example of creating a custom query report that uses OR in the WHERE clause. The current 2.5 (and apparently 2.6) version of ER does not support an automatic OR clause. That is why a custom query report may have come in handy to overcome…
This report shows distinguished name and email addresses for all users in a group including nested groups members.
You will need to run the SQL queries inside the "SQL_To_Add_Groups.txt" file before importing the custom report. Make sure to backup your…