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sync-job doesn't sync deleted objects or attributes (QMM 8.13)


we’re synchronizing migrated users and groups from destination AD to the target AD (One-Way)

We recognized that we have an issue with migrated users when they try to logon to the target AD with their migrated users

The reason for the failed logon is about an accesstoken which is to big (much more than 1024 SIDs…up to 1700 SIDs). There are some old SIDhistories, which resists in the old destination directory


The IT-Provider from the destination AD has cleaned up their AD (deletions of groups, deletions of old SID in groups/users)

Unfortunately the change of groups and users wasn’t synchronized to the target AD (yes...  also checked the destination if the change was really done J )

Now we have an delta-Sync in place – we’ve not done an re-sync.


The Settings for the synchronization-job has checked the option, that synchronized objects should be deleted in the target AD (-> Tab: Advanced Options)

So.. thinking of ... if the settings for synchronization are correct, there is no need for doing an Re-Sync of all objects.


The Installation and Configuration of the Migration Manager was done in cooperation with an Dell Engineer

We have also a skiplist for attributes in place, deciding that the attribute name in the target is <surname, name (samaccountname)>…

Our IDM Tool has some trouble with this form of the attribute name. It has to be the samaccountname


cn computer Both

cn contact Both

cn group Both

cn inetOrgPerson Both

cn container Both

cn user Both

sAMAccountName group Both

sAMAccountName computer Both

sAMAccountName inetOrgPerson Both

sAMAccountName user Both

name group Both

name contact Both

name inetOrgPerson Both

name user Both

scriptPath inetOrgPerson Both

scriptPath user Both

msTSProfilePath inetOrgPerson Both

msTSProfilePath user Both

homeDirectory inetOrgPerson Both

homeDirectory user Both


can someonbe check if the skiplist possibly can be the problem?