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Managed Service Accounts

MMAD 8.13

I have a customer with managed service accounts in the source, that need to be migrated cross forest. Is this something the tool can handle? I can select it with an import file in the migration session, but it does not migrate over (no errors). I can't seem to find any info on how to migrate these accounts. I'm sure I've missed something. Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • Luke,
    admincount is not set, but I did give my service account explicit rights to the object, and tried again. It still did not migrate. I should note the only way I can even attempt the migration is with the import file. I cannot see the object if I use the object picker.
  • Luke,
    admincount is not set, but I did give my service account explicit rights to the object, and tried again. It still did not migrate. I should note the only way I can even attempt the migration is with the import file. I cannot see the object if I use the object picker.
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