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Outlook Calendar Issue: Meeting not current, unable to accept

QMMAD/EX 8.12 with latest hotfixes... Migrated about 3000 of 4000 accounts and mailboxes. Client has many users with Calendar issues, including the issue described here, with image.

I've given the following advice, but they don't like the answer, want it explored further. Does anyone have anything different that has worked for them? Thanks.

1) Delete the recurring meeting and re-create.


 2) For the affected user:

1. Open the entire series and decline it.

2. Have a coworker or attendee forward the series to the affected user.

3. Accept the series.

As per

  • Ex2013 Source and Target. The client says they are escalating to MS, whether they do or not remains to be seen. Haven't had any issues with duplicate Calendar items, so CRA is still running... Client is resistant to turning it off. But this is your suggestion? Thanks.
  • Ex2013 Source and Target. The client says they are escalating to MS, whether they do or not remains to be seen. Haven't had any issues with duplicate Calendar items, so CRA is still running... Client is resistant to turning it off. But this is your suggestion? Thanks.
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