Unable to retrieve O365 domains

I am unable to retrieve Office 365 domains.

All Prereqs are installed, no network connectivity issues found.

Exchange online management 2.0.5 & Graph API on prerequisites have been installed.

TLS 1.2 is enabled.

getting following log.

17:04:14.758(1044:0594) DEBUG: Initializing powershell with domain controller: , global catalog: , server: , user: beheerderinetum@ecowerf.be, auth type: ModernAuthentication, proxy access type: None (empty), proxy auth type: Negotiate (empty), proxy user:

17:04:14.758(1044:0594) DEBUG: Creating PowerShell connection by account: beheerderinetum@ecowerf.be

17:04:14.758(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:04:14 Waiting for available connection.

17:04:14.758(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:04:14 Acquired available connection.

17:04:51.279(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] Attempt 1 failed. Reason: Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message :  For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

17:05:31.295(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:05:31 Waiting for available connection.

17:05:31.295(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:05:31 Acquired available connection.

17:06:03.256(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] Attempt 2 failed. Reason: Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message :  For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

17:06:43.271(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:06:43 Waiting for available connection.

17:06:43.271(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:06:43 Acquired available connection.

17:07:19.247(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] Attempt 3 failed. Reason: Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message :  For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

17:07:59.269(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:07:59 Waiting for available connection.

17:07:59.269(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] 17:07:59 Acquired available connection.

17:08:31.251(1044:0594) DEBUG: [0-0-0-00000000] Attempt 4 failed. Reason: Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message :  For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.. Exception rethrow.

17:08:31.251(1044:0594) ERROR: Fail to Init PowerShell session due to : Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message :  For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.

17:08:31.251(1044:0594) DEBUG: PSBase::Init: Exit(256495 ms.)

17:08:31.251(1044:0594) ERROR: [619-256-1-00000000]Unable to get hosted domains. Please check the administrator user name and password.
