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Raise an alert when the uptime of SQL DB instance falls behind a threshold



I would like to raise an alert when the uptime of a SQL db instance falls behind a threshold. I know we have an instance availability rule. But I think we can miss some alerts if the instance goes offline and comes back online within the polling interval. Is there a metric which can give this uptime info?

I found #db_up_time# metric in foglight, but not sure if its the correct metric for this requirement.




  • Hi Roshan,

    From my understanding, the DB Up time metric is the amount of time that the SQL Server instance was running during the specified time range.

    If the instance is down, no data collection occurs. Therefore, if this metric value is less than the interval length, the value of this metric reflects only the active portion of the interval.

  • Thanks for the response John. My confusion is that, the default usability collection interval is 5 min, so how will be foglight calculating what was the active portion in that 5 minute?
  • I would recommend opening a Service Request for this question for Support to look at the metric closer and perhaps find an alternative metric that might be more suitable for the threshold.
  • Hi Roshan,

    I spoke to a colleague. He said: The db_up_time is collected from database instance and its value is the difference (DATEDIFF() function) between the startup time of database instance and latest agent collect time.


  • I too have similar requirement but not with db uptime but with windows/linux uptime, lemme know if you know how to achieve. Thank You.