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How to Blackout Email notifications via groovy script


I just want to share the script I have developed to Blackout Email notifications via groovy script triggered by a Schedule Driven rule.

In our case, we we have a Rule scheduled to be triggered every day at 06:00 AM and at 18:00. The script then, will enable/disable email notifications by emptying&filling the Registry Variable value. During the weekends the value will always be empty.

The idea to develop this was taken from the next Knowledge Article:

How to blackout all of Foglight (155313)

and the the script is based on the reference code published in the next helpful article:

I hope you will find this useful:

* The script below is used to enable/disable Email notifications by changing the Registry value.
* The script can be triggered via a Schedule Driven rule.

// Introduce your mail server hostname
regSvc = server["RegistryService"]
regVariable = regSvc.getRegistryVariable(regVar)
regVariableDefault = regVariable.getGlobalDefault()
defaultValue = regVariableDefault.getDefaultValue()

// Get the name of the day
date = new Date().format("EEE")

// Disable Email notifications during the weekend
if ( (date == "Sat") || (date == "Sun") ) {
    "Changed Registry Variable '"+regVar+"' to '"+regValempty+"'."
else {
    // Set mail server configuration
    if (defaultValue == "") {
        "Changed Registry Variable '"+regVar+"' to '"+regVal+"'."
    // Remove mail server configuration
    else {
        "Changed Registry Variable '"+regVar+"' to '"+regValempty+"'."