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Litespeed "nice to have" future enhancement suggestions 2017

1. With SQL Server 2012+ and Availability Groups, it would be nice to have the restore option in an automated restore to restore with "No Recovery" so you can restore multiple databases to the secondary for adding to Availability Groups. I had a specific instance where I had to restore 150 databases to the secondary with No Recovery and had to restore them one at a time. ugh. 

2. Backup Templates: Really need an option to schedule differential backups when not using "Fast Compression". There is only the option for scheduling the full and log backups. So you have to create a separate job for each instance outside of the template for diff backups when not using Fast Compression type backups.


  • Hi Susan,

    Thank you for your feedback about LiteSpeed!

    Both items have been added to the product backlog.
    I think the first item will be implmeneted in the next version.

    Question about second item: why you do not use Fast Compression option?
    It automatically creates Full and Diff backups when needed.

  • Hi Alexander,

    It's a long story with multiple factors for the decision, but in short we want to ensure that a full backup is taken every Sunday and only differential and log backups during the week. In a perfect world, it would be nice to use fast compression with all days but Sunday selected not to run a full UNLESS a full didn't exist. We are trying to determine the best way to implement this but also account for when a new database gets added to an instance that the initial full backup is taken accordingly.

    Do you have any suggestions?

  • Hi Susan,

    Actually you can use Fast Compression. You just need select option "Do not run full backup on specified days of week" at Backup Schedule step of Backup Template Wizard and check all days of week except Sunday.

  • I tried that but when implementing or when a new database is added to the instance, the job fails every day until Sunday hits. I guess there really isn't a work around for this other than to take the full backup manually. Is there a way to use Fast Compression and also force a full on a specific day(eg. Sunday) rather than a number of days(eg. 7)?
  • Yes. You can change the script in the job.
    Every fast compression script contains commented lines like below (specially for those specific cases):
    --, @ForceFull = 1
    --, @ForceDifferential =1

    you can uncomment
    , @ForceFull = 1

    and the script will run a force full.

  • Also, I've added your request to add Diff schedule to the "Full" template type to our backlog.
    Thank you!