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Migration of Remote Desktop Server Farm

Looking for information concerning the migration of a Remote Desktop Server Farm. This includes RD Connection Broker, RD Session Host, and Gateway. Has anyone successfully migrated a Remote Desktop Farm on Windows 2012 R2 to a new domain? If so, what steps were taken?

  • From a servers perspective, you would process the OS and move the hosts to the target.

    The only issue I see that may present an issue if not addressed is if an internal cert is in uses (Source CA) this may need to be replaced with a target internal cert (Target CA).

    Additionally how the desktops are being provisioned could present another challenge. I.E Roaming TS profiles. Are they GPO based or AD based? Is the domain name appended to the path? I.E. username.domainname. Depending on how they are deployed will drive the steps you need to take to make the transition smooth for the users.
  • From a servers perspective, you would process the OS and move the hosts to the target.

    The only issue I see that may present an issue if not addressed is if an internal cert is in uses (Source CA) this may need to be replaced with a target internal cert (Target CA).

    Additionally how the desktops are being provisioned could present another challenge. I.E Roaming TS profiles. Are they GPO based or AD based? Is the domain name appended to the path? I.E. username.domainname. Depending on how they are deployed will drive the steps you need to take to make the transition smooth for the users.
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